Godzilla Vs Biollante
March 15, 2025
JUST WATCHED: Godzilla vs Biollante (1989). WOW. A huge step forward into maturity for this franchise. While not the most spectacle, definitely creature design ahead of its time. Warrants many rewatches and Godzilla vs. Biollante | Rotten Tomatoes Amazon.com: Godzilla Vs Biollante [VHS] : Kunihiko Mitamura, Yoshiko Tanaka, Masanobu Takashima, Kôji Takahashi, Tôru Minegishi, Megumi Odaka, Toshiyuki Nagashima, Ryûnosuke Kaneda, Kazuma Matsubara, Yoshiko Kuga, Yasunori Yuge, Yasuko Sawaguchi ... Godzilla Vs Biollante